
Parenting Matters


Separation can be a difficult time for families, particularly where children are involved. We can provide advice about appropriate parenting arrangements that take your personal circumstances into account and whether arrangements are best formalised by way of a Parenting Plan or Consent Orders. We can explain, in easy to understand language, how the Court approaches parenting matters and what type of issues will be relevant. We can assist parents, grandparents or other parties concerned with the care, welfare or development of a child. If an agreement cannot be reached, we can guide you each step of the way through the process of preparing and filing an Application for parenting orders in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, or responding to any proceedings initiated against you.

We can also assist with urgent applications regarding Recovery Orders, Family Law Watchlist matters and Hague Convention matters.

Property Matters


There are many misconceptions around how property is to be divided between separating partners. We strongly recommend you seek professional advice at the earliest opportunity. We can provide advice about your rights, entitlements and obligations under the Family Law Act 1975 and an assessment of whether any proposed division of property that has already been agreed is just and equitable. We can provide advice about documenting any agreement reached and arranging for mediations, conciliation conferences or settlement type conferences to assist with resolution. If an agreement cannot be reached, we can guide you each step of the way through the process of preparing and filing an Application for a property settlement in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, or responding to any proceedings initiated against you.



We can assist you in preparing a joint application (where both parties apply together) or a sole application (where only one party applies) for Divorce. The process is different where a sole application is made, as the other party must be properly served and an affidavit of service filed with the Court. Additional steps are also required where parties have been married less than 2 years and where the parties were separated under one roof for part of the 12 month period following separation.

Child Support


Child Support issues can at times be quite complex. We can provide advice about general Child Support issues, Binding Child Support Agreements, Limited Child Support Agreements and prepare these documents if agreement can be reached. We can also provide advice about and assist with lodging objections or requesting reassessments of Child Support. Time limits apply so we recommend seeking advice without delay once any formal decision has been made about Child Support.